Current Projects

2024 American Electorate Poll

As part of our Research and Advocacy for Native Economic Justice program, First Nations continues to lead studies and produce resources that amplify Native voices and ensure Native communities are invested in, supported, and included in decisions that pertain to them.

In line with this, First Nations has been at the forefront of investigating the issues that affect Native communities – in the words of Native Americans themselves – and sharing meaningful data about those investigations in ways that create better outcomes and futures throughout Indian Country.

First Nations has commissioned more polling research on Native American communities and issues over the past five years than any entity. This includes surveys of both Native Americans and non-Native Americans to understand how both engage with Native American justice issues, as well as polling on Native American health care and election choices.

One of First Nations’ latest studies is the 2024 American Electorate Voter Poll, conducted in partnership with the African American Research Collaborative (AARC) and BSP Research.

While many national survey findings and takeaways have been reported in the wake of the 2024 election, the Voter Poll conducted by AARC and BSP Research reflects the most accurate data specific to Native Americans available.

Among the key findings:

  • Native American voters continued to be consequential across the presidential election and several other races this cycle.
  • Nearly 8 in 10 (78%) Native American respondents said that they considered tribal issues when they voted in the 2024 national election.
  • Tribal Sovereignty is the most salient tribal issue that influenced Native Americans voting behavior in 2024 at 59%.

Native Americans are a unique and complex electorate. Native Americans were motivated to vote by some of the same issues that Americans overall were concerned with, including inflation, jobs, the cost of health care, abortion and reproductive health.

Tribal Sovereignty, land rights, and the preservation of Native American cultures and languages are also high priorities for Native American voters, yet they received minimal attention from the political campaigns this cycle. This unique data from the 2024 Election Eve Poll notes that a large majority of Native Americans remain Democratic in their voting preferences. But both parties can improve their standing with Native Americans, a critical sub-group of the national electorate who can have marked impact on election outcomes across the country.

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