
Regional Dialogues: On the Path to Climate Justice

As a part of First Nations’ Climate Change and Environmental Justice work, which started in July 2022, First Nations has been honored to lead the Regional Dialogues on Climate Resiliency project.

Through this project, we help convene Native nations, tribal leaders, and Native nonprofit organizations to elevate regional- or state-focused conversations centered around climate resiliency in Native communities. We support Native communities as they navigate the impacts of climate change and amplify climate solutions and models rooted in Indigenous Knowledge. We join with community partners in the hope that these solutions and models can be integrated into policy, strategy, and adaptation plans.

This past fall, First Nations began supporting the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians (ATNI) to host a series of climate summits and convenings starting in 2022 and ending in 2023.

In November 2022 ATNI hosted a National Tribal Leaders’ Climate Change Summit, during which participants heard from tribal communities on the front lines of climate change, learned about opportunities of just transition for tribal nations, and explored how tribal sovereignty and co-management can advance tribal goals and objectives.

This video captures the stories and perspectives of a few of the 500 participants representing 118 tribal nations and Alaska Native communities who came together to share knowledge, best practices, and resources on tribal climate resilience in the face of environmental injustice.

First Nations looks forward to providing further support to tribes and Native non-profits so that tribal, local, state, and federal representatives can continue convening with community members to discuss pressing climate related issues and identify potential solutions.